«La maquette numérique révolutionne l’architecture.
Le BIM (Building Information Modeling), ou maquette numérique, révolutionne le travail des cabinets d’architecture. Si les architectes travaillaient traditionnellement sur des plans 2D, la maquette fait rentrer l’architecture dans l’ère de la 3D. Toufois, la France accuse un retard considérable dans le domaine».
[Matthieu Combe | techniques-ingenieur.fr]
«Building Information Modelling. Four experts explain the enormous benefits of BIM, which has yet to win widespread acceptance in the Middle East and look at potential pitfalls».
[Gary Wrigh | constructionweekonline.com]
Con il BIM i modelli informatici di progetto diventano 5D, contenendo non solo i dati geometrici 3D ma anche parametri temporali ed economici, che permettono la valutazione dell’intero ciclo di vita della costruzione. È prevista l’adozione del BIM come standard di progettazione in molti paesi del mondo, una volta regolamentatene le caratteristiche.
BIM Building Information Modeling Wikipedia ita | eng
«Traditional building design was largely reliant upon two-dimensional drawings (plans, elevations, sections, etc.). Building information modeling extends this beyond 3-D, augmenting the three primary spatial dimensions (width, height and depth) with time as the fourth dimension and cost as the fifth. BIM therefore covers more than just geometry. It also covers spatial relationships, light analysis, geographic information, and quantities and properties of building components (for example manufacturers’ details)».
feature image
BIM imagecredits Richard Binning CC BY-SA 3.0