Il vincitore del premio World Building of the Year 2017 del World Architecture Festival 2017, svoltosi a Berlino dal 15 al 17 novembre 2017, è: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Post-earthquake reconstruction/demonstration project of Guangming Village, Zhaotong, China
Tra gli altri premi attribuiti dal World Architecture Festival 2017:
Director’s Special Award: Marc Koehler Architects, Superlofts Houthaven, Amsterdam, Netherlands
INSIDE World Interior of the Year Winner 2017: Produce.Workshop, Fabricwood, Singapore
Future Project of the Year Winner 2017: Allen Jack+Cottier Architects and NH Architecture, Sydney Fish Markets, Sydney, Australia
Landscape of the Year Winner 2017: Turenscape, Peasants and their Land: The Recovered Archaeological Landscape of Chengtoushan, Lixian County, China
Contribution to Architecture: Sir Norman Foster
Small Project of the Year Winner 2017: Eriksson Furunes + Leandro V. Locsin Partners + Jago Boase, Streetlight Tagpuro, Tacloban, Philippines
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